Triple 9 is a 2016 American heist thriller film directed by John Hillcoat and written by Matt Cook. The film stars a formidable cast featuring Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Anthony Mackie, Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus, Woody Harrelson, Kate Winslet, Clifton Collins, Jr., Michael K. Williams, Teresa Palmer and Gal Gadot.
The film follows a group of criminals and corrupt cops who are being blackmailed by the Russian Mafia. The only way to appease them is to perform an extremely challenging heist. Despite its nearly impossible difficulty, they eventually hatch a plan: on one side of town, half of the crew will commit the murder of a rookie cop named Chris Allen (Affleck); while the rest of the police force is distracted by the 999 incident ("officer down"), the other half of the crew will perform the heist. Although the plan is executed smoothly, Chris Allen survives and tries to bring down the crooks.
Released by Open Road Films you can see a trailer for the film below, and if that wets your appetite the film is due to be released this Friday at cinema’s all around the country.