The 3-D Community

Designed to help vulnerable populations, and fight housing problems in disadvantaged areas non-profit charity News Story has teamed up with constructions technology company Icon to design a giant 3-D printer with the aim of building the world’s first 3-D printed community. 

Last year we brought you a piece on the 3-D Printed House which highlighted a company that could build a 3-D printed house for about £8000.
Well now non-profit company New Story has partnered up with Icon – a construction technology company dedicated to revolutionizing homebuilding to create Vulcan – a giant 3-D printer capable of printing a 600-800 square foot house in less than 24 hours, and for less than £3000.

Over one billion people live without a basic human need: shelter. Linear improvements will never reach this market. We need a quantum leap in affordability, speed, and quality to reach families exponentially faster.

New Story is working to narrow that gap.  In three years, the organization has built over 1000 homes in countries like Bolivia, Mexico, Haiti and El Salvador, but these have been without the use of a 3-D printer, and at a cost of over £4500.
Built out of lightweight aluminum and containing a built-in backup generator, The Vulcan has already created its first trial homes, which have been printed in Austin Texas, but now the project is aiming to raise enough money move the construction over to a country they have previously visited - El Salvador.

Using advanced robotics, cutting-edge materials and a proprietary software, they can enable families to have options for different designs based on factors like terrain, climate, and family size.

It’s also important to note that all the money being raised by this project will amazingly be matched by another company called The Hubers up to the value of $1 million.

Take a look at the video below, and for more information on the project please visit the New Story website HERE or the Icon website HERE.