Printing out a house that is ready to use in a mere 24 hours, and at a cost of about £8,000 that could last for over 150 years seems farfetched on a whole host of levels, but this reality could be just around the corner thanks to the Apis Cor mobile construction company.
On the six continents of Earth there are a huge amount of families that cannot afford to buy or build a house. Good accommodation is costly, and waiting for it to become available can take a long time…
…that is until today.

If Apis Cor’s new build is anything to go by, printed homes could end up being a normal, everyday sight sooner rather than later.
Recently, the San Francisco-based startup 3D-printed an entire home for a Russian town — in less than 24 hours flat. Using a mobile 3D printer, the company was able to print everything from the concrete walls to the partitions and building envelope.
The walls were then all manually painted while workers also installed the roof, wiring and insulation.
The result is a 400-square-foot house that has the capability of lasting over 150 years. There’s a hall, a bathroom, a living room and a compact functional kitchen – it's no mansion by any stretch of the imagination, but it could prove attractive to the growing contingent of people who prefer smaller homes, or people on small budgets.
The company say that the price for building it came in at a fraction over £8,000 in all — with the door and windows taking up the biggest chunks of the budget.

The building can be printed in any shape and at a larger size, with the only restrictions on designs being the ‘laws of physics’.
Top find out more please head on over to the Apris Cor website here, and also check out the video below.