When Tatsuo Horiuchi retired he decided he wanted to take up art. However not wanting to purchase art equipment he did what any normal 77-year old man did……he turned to Microsoft Excel! What he has created since on the spreadsheet software is truly remarkable.

You can see his point though – starting a new hobby usually requires a hefty investment of money, and there’s no guarantee you’ll either continue you, or be any good at it.
He admits though that when he decided to try his hand as an artist it was stingy for him to not want to buy paints, mix water, or even purchase Photoshop, but when Microsoft Excel (which is usually used by businesses to create graphs and illustrate data) was already pre-installed on his home computer he just decided to use that. He’s now being dubbed the Michelangelo of Microsoft Excel.
Based in Nagano, Japan, he actually started his Excel quest back in 2000, and such is the laid-back way of Japanese life that he actually gave himself 10 years to create something worthy that he could show to his friends.
At first appearance it does seem that he is making things a lot harder for himself than it needs to be, but as he explains in the video he doesn’t feel he has the talent for ‘regular art’, and anyone can create paintings as long as they have Excel, which does seems like he’s selling himself a bit short there.
Check out the video below courtesy of the Great Big Story...
......as well as some more of Tatsuo Horiuchi’s intricate and detailed masterpieces.