With the summer season in full flow, most of us will be watching our figures to ensure we’re looking good in our brand new bikinis and Speedos on the beach. You'd therefore be forgiven for thinking that stuffing your face with a sweet, sugary, scrummy muffin is not conducive to the fitness regime you've been sweating over for weeks. But that's where you're wrong! As this deliciously light version of the classic blueberry muffin contains virtually no saturated fat, you can feast until your heart’s content without worrying about a poolside muffin-top.
5 tbsp rapeseed oil
225g self-raising flour
115g wholemeal flour
2 tsp baking powder
Zest ½ lemon and 1 tsp juice
85g golden caster sugar
50g light muscovado sugar
1 small very ripe banana with black skin (about 85g peeled weight)
1 egg
284ml pot buttermilk
225g fresh blueberries
1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Use 1 tsp oil to lightly oil a 12-hole muffin tin (or use paper cases). Mix both flours with the baking powder and lemon zest. Reserve 1 tbsp caster sugar, then stir the rest into the flour with the muscovado.
2. Mash the banana well. In another bowl, beat the egg then stir in the banana, buttermilk and oil. Using a large metal spoon, very lightly stir into the flour mix to combine. Over-mixing will make the muffins tough. Toss in the blueberries and give just a few turns of the spoon to carefully stir them in without crushing.
3. Spoon the mixture into the tin – each hole should be full to the brim. Bake for 20-25 minutes until risen and golden.
4. Mix the reserved caster sugar with the lemon juice. When the muffins are done, remove from the oven then brush with the sugar and lemon mixture while they are still hot. Gently loosen the edges of each muffin with a knife, then leave in the tin for 15 minutes to cool a little as they’re very delicate while hot. Remove to a wire rack. Best eaten the day of making, but will keep for up to 2 days.
You can find this recipe – plus many, many more – over on BBC Good Food.