Twenty years after their first blunder-ridden adventure, Harry Dunne and Lloyd Christmas are set to return to the big screen for the highly anticipated Dumb and Dumber To.
For their latest escapade, dimwitted best friends Harry Dunne (Jeff Daniels) and Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carey) set out to find Harry’s long lost daughter, but anybody who has seen the first film - which is a firm favourite here at Van Mildert HQ - will know it's never plain sailing with these two.
The duo’s iconic shaggy haired Mutts Cutts van and Billy, the blind owner of a dead parakeet from Apartment 4C, both also make a return for the film, which is again being directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly.
The film is not due for release until November 14 but with the original film having such a legendary status, we could not hold back from sharing the trailer for the sequel with you all.